Axiscope Solutions




Action plans are essential to continuous improvement and concern all company business lines: Purchasing, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, Quality, Security, Environment, Production, Maintenance, etc.

Purchasing action plans allow to define purchasing roadmaps and plan activities and progress to be achieved, including for suppliers. Buyers can define and share operational objectives or gains with everyone in the company, follow, measure, or display concrete opportunities for progress with prescribers.

With the Axiscope DSP Action Plan module, all action plans are centralized in the same database to offer a unique perspective of all tasks to carry out, progress and results achieved, linked to quality, cost control or gains.

Each action plan has its own page to display all the actions it contains. It can be viewed by status monitoring or Gantt chart with links between actions.

Actions are assigned to collaborators who can indicate progress, take notes, include comments, or understand how individual actions are integrated into the overall plan.

The team in charge of the action plan can use different interactive tools as the new feed, polls, surveys, discussions about publications or specific notes to each action.

Axiscope DSP action plans are easy to use and gives collaborators information on what they have to accomplish within a given deadline and what objectives to reach.